
after church造句

"after church"是什么意思   


  1. We are doing this to give our members a chance to stay back after church and enjoy a time of fellowship
  2. Oh , i usually go to church and then . . . uh . . . we go out for dinner after church . and then sometimes stop and visit some friends
    噢,我通常上教堂做礼拜,然后嘛… …嗯… …做完礼拜后,我们一起上馆子。有时候我还会再去看看朋友,到他们家坐坐。
  3. B : oh , i usually go to church and then . . . uh . . . we go out for dinner after church . and then sometimes stop and visit some friends
    噢,我通常上教堂做礼拜,然后嘛… …嗯… …做完礼拜后,我们一起上馆子。有时候我还会再去看看朋友,到他们家坐坐。
  4. The minister gave out his text and droned along monotonously through an argument that was so prosy that many a head by and by began to nod - and yet it was an argument that dealt in limitless fire and brimstone and thinned the predestined elect down to a company so small as to be hardly worth the saving . tom counted the pages of the sermon ; after church he always knew how many pages there had been , but he seldom knew anything else about the discourse
  5. It's difficult to find after church in a sentence. 用after church造句挺难的


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